Geographic Visualization: Concepts, Tools and Applications

Geographic Visualization: Concepts, Tools and Applications

作者: Martin Dodge Mary McDerby Martin Turner
出版社: Wiley
出版在: 2008-06-01
ISBN-13: 9780470515112
ISBN-10: 0470515112
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 348 頁


Geographic Visualization: Concepts, Tools and Applications is a ‘state-of-the-art’ review of the latest developments in the subject. It examines how new concepts, methods and tools can be creatively applied to solve problems relevant to a wide range of topics.  The text covers the impact of three-dimensional displays on user interaction along with the potentialities in animation and clearly explains how to create temporally sensitive visualizations. It also explores the potential for handling mobile data and representing uncertainty; as well as the role of participatory visualization systems and exploratory methods.Hallmark Features: An introduction to the diverse forms of geographic visualization which draws upon a number of theoretical perspectives and disciplines to provide an insightful commentary on new methods, techniques and tools.Richly illustrated in full colour throughout, including numerous relevant case studies and accessible discussions of important visualization concepts to enable clearer understanding for non-technical audiences.Chapters are written by leading scholars and researchers in a range of cognate fields, including, cartography, GIScience, architecture, art, urban planning and computer graphics with case studies drawn from Europe, North America and AustraliaThis book is an invaluable resource for all graduate students, researchers and professionals working in the geographic information sector, computer graphics and cartography.


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